2025 Legislative Updates

HB1454   A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 32-12.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the medical liability of a government entity.

Commitee Hearing in Industry, Business, & Labor Room 327C at 10am {TOMORROW} Wednesday, January 29th!

Bill PDF: https://ndlegis.gov/assembly/69-2025/regular/documents/25-0975-01000.pdf

Submit testimony here: https://ndlegis.gov/legend/committee/testimony/public-testimony/4143/?hearing=10728

IBL Committee here: https://ndlegis.gov/assembly/69-2025/committees/house/industry-business-and-labor

Please get to the Capitol if you can. It’s always better to show up & give testimony in person than it is to only submit testimony online. Remember, this one is simply about medical liability. Stay on topic with your testimony and ask for a do pass or do not pass recommendation from the committee.

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