Health Freedom Friendly
Business Pledge

At Health Freedom North Dakota, we believe seeking optimal wellness is a personal responsibility. We know each person’s health is unique. One-size-fits-all approaches maybe inappropriate for some and potentially dangerous for others.

We believe everyone deserves autonomy, privacy, and true informed consent. That’s why we advocate for every individual to have the right to say “yes” or “no” to medical devices and procedures.
It’s why we take a firm stand against coercion in the form of guilt, fear, or shame based bullying. It’s why we are working proactively against vaccine passports as well as any other form of medical discrimination.

As a non-profit organization, one of our goals is to connect health-freedom-minded consumers with health-freedom-friendly businesses.


We invite all business owners to join the Health Freedom ND movement. The pledge itself shows your integrity and commitment to supporting the medical rights of your employees and the customers you serve. Promote your business by pledging that you will allow people to use your services and patronize your business regardless of their private health choices.

As a THANK YOU for taking the pledge & offering a yearly donation to our organization, we will supply you with a decal logo for your store front and/or a digital logo for your website. We will also proudly display and promote your business’s name, contact, and website information, and the goods/services you provide at

Suggested minimum yearly donation is $50 per business.
Your donation is tax-deductible.



Respect medical privacy by not requiring my employees or patrons to show proof of vaccinations or other private medical records


Allow my employees & patrons to choose their own health precautions & medical devices according to their personal needs
(including but not limited to masks & pathogen testing)


Promote mental and physical health by refraining from intentionally participating in any kind of fear-based propaganda, coercion, or bullying


Reach out to if I am in need of support, or if I am no longer able or willing to fulfill the terms of this pledge.


Represent HFND by being willing & committed to advocating for Health Freedom for All


Stand firmly & proudly, knowing that my business provides a unique service to my community, and I have the right to keep my business operating & thriving

Suggested minimum yearly donation is $50 per business.
Your donation is tax-deductible.